The new year is approaching quickly. 2020 will be a great year to get a new garage door and opener if one is needed. You can make the process of buying a new garage pleasant by preparing. If you’re a homeowner who is planning to upgrade your garage door next year, here’s what you need to know.
The material you choose for your garage door will affect its appearance, performance and the type of maintenance that you need to perform from one year to the next. Below are some of the most common types of garage door materials.
Wood has warm beauty that attracts many homeowners. This material is also very heavy and sturdy. Wood doors are common on upscale homes. However, wood must be properly sealed to be protected from the elements. If you’re not ready to seal or paint your garage door every few years, then wood may not be the right material for you.
If you’re looking for the warmth of wood without the maintenance, talk to your garage door contractor about wood composite. This material looks like wood but does not need to be sealed against the elements.
Fiberglass is lightweight, so it’s easy for garage door openers to lift and close. Fiberglass can easily be given texture to look like wood, and comes in a variety of colors to match many different homes. However, fiberglass cracks easily when hit, and may even crack naturally in very cold environments.
Steel comes in a variety of colors, and you can mold it into different shapes, but it’s is easily dented and scratched. Steel doors can also rust if the paint is allowed to deteriorate, so homeowners must take care not to scratch or mar the paint.
If you’re not sure which type of garage door material is right for you, visit some garage contractor showrooms or talk to a garage door contractor to look at pictures and discuss the pros and cons. Your garage door contractor can show you pictures and make recommendations based on your budget and what you’re able to maintain.
Garage doors come in many styles. Traditional garage doors have decorative square or rectangular panels, and often do not have windows. These very basic garage doors are relatively inexpensive to purchase.
Recently, carriage doors have become a popular option for homeowners. Carriage doors typically feature a row of rectangular windows, and often come with decorative hardware to make the door appear that it is held in place with large iron hinges.
Know which style you want to make the purchase process easier. To make your selection, spend some time looking online at different garage doors online. This will make it easier to communicate with your contractor about your tastes when the time comes.
If your home doesn’t have a garage door opener, now is a good time to get one. Garage door openers improve your home’s value and make your garage much easier to use. If your garage door opener is older but still functional, talk to your garage door repair person to find out whether a new opener is recommended.
Old openers may not have all the latest safety features that make your garage safe. Installation of a new garage door opener could make your home safer for your pets and children.
Start meeting with garage door contractors now to get quotes. This will make it easier to budget for the expense.
Some garage door contractors will allow homeowners to finance their garage door installation. If you’re in need of financing, talk to your contractor.
Before you can install a new garage door in 2020, you’ll need to choose a garage door installation contractor. After getting quotes from multiple contractors, check references. A reputable contractor should have good references. If your garage door contractor does not, this could be a red flag. Always read the contract thoroughly before signing.
Taking these steps can help you be ready to install a new garage door next year. If you’re planning to replace your garage door in 2020, contact Plano Overhead Garage Door. We’ll be happy to give you a quote, discuss different garage door models and materials, and help you proceed with your garage door installation in the coming year.
The post Buying a Garage Door Next Year? 5 Ways to Prepare appeared first on Plano Overhead Door.
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