In recent years, windows have become a popular feature on garage doors. This may be in part due to the rise in popularity of carriage style garage doors, which often feature windows. If you’re a homeowner who is thinking about installing a new garage door on your home sometime in the near future, these tips can help you decide whether windows are right for you.
Advantages of Windows in the Garage Door
There are many advantages of having windows in your garage doors.
The beauty and natural style that garage door windows provide can also boost curb appeal, which in turn may make your home more attractive to buyers if you decide to sell your home.
Disadvantages of Windows in the Garage Door
Windows look good and add value to your garage door, but they can also have disadvantages. Knowing what those disadvantages are can help you avoid problems after your garage door has been installed.
For example, windows allow people to see into your garage, which could affect your home’s security. Potential intruders who know what’s in your garage could take action on the information they glean by looking into your garage. If security is a concern in your area, you’ll want to take action to prevent people from looking into your garage.
Windows also allow light from the sun to enter your garage and heat the space. If you experience very hot summers, or if your garage door faces west or south, this could cause your garage to become superheated at the warmest times of the year.
Finally, windows are breakable. If you have a family with children who like to play ball or who frequently break things, your garage door windows could be vulnerable. The driveway is a common place where children play, which puts the garage door at an even greater risk. If you choose to install windows in your garage, your children may have to find another place where they can play sports and other rough games.
Installing Windows in Your Garage Door
If you like the idea of installing windows in your garage, but want to be sure that you’re as happy with your product as possible, the following suggestions can help you cut back on some of the problems associated with garage door windows.
Opt for the Tinted or Obscured Glass
Tinted windows keep out some of most harsh daylight, which can help control the temperature in your garage. Tinted windows also make it more challenging to see into your garage from your driveway, which means that a potential intruder would have a harder time scoping out what’s in your home.
If you don’t like the look of window tinting but would like to prevent someone from seeing into your garage, obscured privacy glass is available as well. Obscured glass prevents anyone from seeing what’s in your garage, while still allowing natural light to enter the space.
Get Thicker Glass
If you live in a house with teenagers who play ball in the yard, or if you’re just hard on your garage doors, one of the ways you can avoid breaking your garage door windows is by opting for the thicker glass. Garage door windows come in thinner and thicker glass options.
Thicker glass can be more durable and less likely to break in the event that it’s struck by a flying object. Your garage door contractor can help you decide whether thicker glass will work for you.
Are you planning to install a new garage door in your home sometime this year? If so, you’ll need to make many decisions. Your professional garage door installer can help you decide what kind of door, whether to install windows, which color, which materials to install and other variables. To find out more about installing a new garage door in your home, work with an experienced professional.
At Plano Overhead Garage Door, we help homeowners like you to pick out the right garage door for their needs. We can provide you with a quote and help you find a garage door that’s right for your needs, so contact us today to make an appointment.
The post Want Windows in Your Garage Door? Pros and Cons appeared first on Plano Overhead Door.
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