Capacitors in garage door openers serve to provide the additional power required to operate most garage door openers. This is needed because electrical outlets lack enough voltage to operate motors as large as those typically found in residential door operators.
When a capacitor is “blown”, the garage door opener will not function properly. Some auxiliary functions may work since the unit may still get power, but the most common symptom that indicates a faulty capacitor is when a homeowner states that nothing happens when they press the button.
Plano Overhead Garage Door keeps a variety of capacitors and transformers in stock. If you have a blown capacitor, there’s a 95% chance that we have what you need!
Call or visit the showroom today for assistance in replacing your capacitor today. 972-422-1695
Submitted by
Nick J. McGregor
, CEO of
Plano Overhead Garage Door
Phone: 972-422-1695 or 972-GARAGES
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Sat: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM